Reputation Definitions

Reputation is an attribute of an IP address, host, domain, or URL.Stellar Cyber uses feeds from several threat intelligence providers (such as ET Pro, PhishTank, OpenPhish,, and others) as well as network traffic analysis to assign reputations. These reputations are visible in the Interflow as srcip_reputation and dstip_reputation, and in the event tables under the Source Reputation and Dest Reputation columns.

Following are the reputations in use, and their definitions.

Reputation Definition
Activex ActiveX attacks and vulnerabilities.
Abused TLD Rogue TLD and GTLD activity that might be of interest. Limited to registrars who cannot or will not police their domains, and TLDs that lack accountability or are free. For example, ICANN cannot claim .su back from the Soviet Union, as that country no longer exists.
Attack Response Indicates the results of a successful attack. For example, LMHost file download, certain banners, Metasploit Meterpreter kill command detected.
Bitcoin Bitcoin clients running in the Bitcoin P2P network. This can help identify the rogue use of computing resources in Bitcoin mining operations.
Blackhole A known black hole, this category often overlaps with CnC.
Bot, Botcc Clear indications of unwanted or criminal code on the host, or a host checking in to a command and control server.
Botcc Portgrouped Same as Botcc, but grouped by destination port.
Brute Forcer Authentication brute forcing, such as SSH, IMAP, and VNC.
Chat, ChatServer Chat activity, such as IRC, Jabber, Google Talk, MSN, AIM, ICQ, Baidu, or GaduGadu. Correlate this with CnC to identify networks used for CnC.
CIArmy IP rules for blocking from Collective Intelligence .
CnC Domains and IPs that are command & control for known Trojans. This reputation is for criminal command & control; spyware and user tracking domains are classified in SpywareCnC.
Compromised Known compromised hosts, updated daily.
Current Events Currently active campaigns expected to be short-lived, such as fraud related to a current natural disaster.
DDoS Attacker Source of DDoS traffic.
DDoSTarget Target of DDoS traffic, or commands to launch attacks.
Decoder-events Normalization events related to decoding.
DNS DNS attacks and vulnerabilities, which can include DNS tunneling.
DOS Inbound Denial of Service activity, as well as outbound indications.
DriveBySrc Sites used by an exploit kit like Neosploit or Blackhole, where HTML injection is used to redirect a browser to sites that deliver an exploit by java or some other method.
Drop From the Spamhaus Don't Route Or Peer list, updated daily. A site where stolen data or credentials are being pushed. Excludes droppers being served or other .exe movement.
Dshield DShield top attackers, updated daily.
DynDNS A dynamic DNS entry or request host, or a domain using DynDNS.
EXE_Source Serving an executable file. Can indicate CnC.
Exploit Exploits not covered by other, specific categories.
FakeAV Fake anti-spyware and anti-virus sites. Often overlaps with CnC.
Files Example rules for Suricata file handling and extraction.
FTP DNS attacks and vulnerabilities. Also logs basic activity, such as logins.
Games Popular online games, such as Starcraft and WoW. Not malicious, just not necessarily appropriate.
Good Does not have a reputation.
HTTP-Events Logging of HTTP events, typically not malicious.
ICMP ICMP attacks and vulnerabilities. Typically not malicious.
ICMP_info Logging of ICMP events, typically not malicious.
IMAP IMAP identification, attacks, and vulnerabilities. Also logs basic activity.
Inappropriate Pornography. Not malicious, but not appropriate.
IPCheck IP address and geolocation checking services. These public services can be abused by malware or DynDNS.
Malware Malware and spyware tracking with no obvious criminal intent. Not criminal, but certainly undesired.
Misc Miscellaneous things not covered in other categories.
Mobile Malware Mobile malware and spyware tracking with no obvious criminal intent. Not criminal, but certainly undesired.
Netbios NetBIOS identification, attacks, and vulnerabilities. Also logs basic activity.
OnlineGaming Gaming sites that install a client to report or track user activity. Not necessarily criminal, but possibly of interest. This is different from outright spyware.
P2P Clients and sources of file sharing, including Bittorrent, Gnutella, Kazaa, LimeWire, and Qvod. Not malicious, just not necessarily appropriate.
P2PCnC P2P used as a CnC mechanism. Separated from P2P used for file sharing.
Parking A parked domain or domain parking server.
Policy Applications often disallowed by company or organization policy, such as DropBox, Google Apps, eBay, Facebook.
POP3 POP3 identification, attacks, and vulnerabilities. Also logs basic activity.
Proxy Proxy endpoint for protocols such as HTTP, STUN, and SOCKS.
Remote Access Service Remote access services such as Kaseya, GoToMyPC, and Citrix.
RPC RPC identification, attacks, and vulnerabilities. Also logs basic activity.
SCADA SCADA attacks and vulnerabilities. Also logs basic activity.
SCADA_special Snort Digital Bond based SCADA preprocessor.
SCAN, Scanner Vulnerability scanning, open relay scanning, network and service reconnaissance, or other scanning activity.
SelfSignedSSL Self-signed or invalid SSL certificates, which can be suspicious.
Shellcode Remote shell access to a machine on a local network.
SMTP SMTP attacks and vulnerabilities. Also logs basic activity.
SMTP-events SMTP operational logging.
SNMP SNMP attacks and vulnerabilities. Also logs basic activity.
Spam Blacklisted spam sources.
SpywareCnC Servers and domains serving or tracking user activity. Not criminal, but could be of interest. Generally toolbars, rogue gaming, free screensavers, and such.
SQL SQL attacks and vulnerabilities. Also logs basic activity.
Steam-events TCP streaming events.
TELNET Telnet attacks and vulnerabilities. Also logs basic activity.
TFTP TFTP attacks and vulnerabilities. Also logs basic activity.
TLS-Events TLS events and anomalies.
TOR, TorNode Tor exit nodes and participants in the network.
Trojan Clearly malicious software. Could be in transit, active, infecting, attacking, updating, or in any other state.
Undesirable Hacking tool forums, metasploit updates, and such. Not criminal, but of interest.
User Agents User agent identification and detection.
Utility Known good services, such as Google search front ends, Bing, and others.
VOIP VoIP attacks and vulnerabilities.
VPN VPN concentrator. This is a potential anonymizing service.
Web Client Web client attacks and vulnerabilities.
Web Server Web server attacks and vulnerabilities.
Web Specific Apps Specific web applications.
WORM Indications of a worm in the network.