Azure AD B2C SSO: Configure & Upload Policies / Keys

The steps in this section are critical to perform after you have completed steps in the previous section. Here you manage the keys and policies to support the overall configuration.

If you stop and return to any of the procedures in this configuration process, ensure that you switch to the correct directory before you continue so that you are working on the correct Azure AD B2C Tenant container.

The order in which you perform certain steps matters. Perform the steps in exactly the order shown.

Upload the Stellar Cyber DP Server Certificate

Configure Custom Policies to support SAML

If you stop and return to any of the procedures in this configuration process, ensure that you switch to the correct directory before you continue so that you are working on the correct Azure AD B2C Tenant container.

Download & Rename Sample Template Files

Make Global Edits to the Files

Edit TrustFrameworkBase.xml

Edit TrustFrameworkLocalization.xml

Edit TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml

Edit SignUpOrSignin.xml

Edit ProfileEdit.xml

Edit PasswordReset.xml

Edit SignUporSigninSAML.xml

Upload Custom Policies

Proceed to the next step...