Configuring Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud Connectors

This connector allows Stellar Cyber to ingest logs from Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud and add the records to the data lake. This connector integrates with the Acronis API to query alerts and agents.

Stellar Cyber connectors with the Collect function (collectors) may skip collecting some data when the ingestion volume is large, which potentially can lead to data loss. This can happen when the processing capacity of the collector is exceeded.

Connector Overview: Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud


  • Collect: Yes

  • Respond: No

  • Native Alerts Mapped: Yes

  • Runs on: DP

  • Interval: Configurable

Collected Data

Content Type


Locating Records


Agents (automatically set)


Assets (for Agents)











<Host URL>

where <Host URL> is a variable from the configuration of this connector

Response Actions


Third Party Native Alert Integration Details

This connector ingests logs from Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud to get the raw alerts that are stored in the Syslog index.

Stellar Cyber maps Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud alerts. The alerts are read from the Syslog index, enriched with Stellar Cyber fields, and mapped (with deduplication) to the Alerts index.

The following four alert types are supported: Email security, EDR, Antimalware protection, and URL filtering. Tactic and Technique are based on alert type.

For details, see Integration of Third Party Native Alerts.

Required Credentials

  • Host URL (data center URL), Client ID, Client Secret

Locating Records

To search the alerts in the Alerts index, use the query: msg_class: acronis_cyber_protect_alert

To search the Original Records in the Syslog index, use the query: msg_class: acronis_cyber_protect_alert

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Adding an Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud Connector

To add an Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud connector:

  1. Obtain credentials
  2. Add the connector in Stellar Cyber
  3. Test the connector
  4. Verify ingestion

Obtaining Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud Credentials

Before you configure the connector in Stellar Cyber, you must obtain the following Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud credentials:

  • Client ID

  • Client Secret

  • Host URL (data center URL)

Follow the guidance in Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud documentation for Creating an API client.

  1. Using an administrator account role, log in to the management portal.

  2. Click Settings | API clients | Create API client.

  3. Enter a name for the API client.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Copy and save the ID and secret value of the client and the data center URL.

    Store the ID and secret value in a safe location. The secret value cannot be retrieved later although it can be reset.

  6. Click Done.

Adding the Connector in Stellar Cyber

To add an Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud connector in Stellar Cyber:

  1. Log in to Stellar Cyber.

  2. Click System | Integration | Connectors. The Connector Overview appears.

  3. Click Create. The General tab of the Add Connector screen appears. The information on this tab cannot be changed after you add the connector.

    The asterisk (*) indicates a required field.

  4. Choose Endpoint Security from the Category drop-down.

  5. Choose Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud from the Type drop-down.

  6. For this connector, the supported Function is Collect, which is enabled already.

  7. Enter a Name.

    • This field does not accept multibyte characters.
    • It is recommended that you follow a naming convention such as tenantname-connectortype.
  8. Choose a Tenant Name. The Interflow records created by this connector include this tenant name.

  9. Choose the device on which to run the connector.

  10. (Optional) When the Function is Collect, you can apply Log Filters. For information, see Managing Log Filters.

  11. Click Next. The Configuration tab appears.

    The asterisk (*) indicates a required field.

  12. Enter the Host URL you obtained earlier, for example,

  13. Enter the Client ID you obtained earlier.

  14. Enter the Client Secret you obtained earlier.

  15. Choose the Interval (min). This is how often the logs are collected.

  16. Choose the Content Type you would like to collect. The logs for Agents and Alerts are supported.

    The Agents content type is always selected and cannot be removed from the configuration as it is required for host information. The logs for Agents are set automatically.

  17. Click Next. The final confirmation tab appears.

  18. Click Submit.

The new connector is immediately active.

Testing the Connector

When you add (or edit) a connector, we recommend that you run a test to validate the connectivity parameters you entered. (The test validates only the authentication / connectivity; it does not validate data flow).

For connectors running on a sensor, Stellar Cyber recommends that you allow 30-60 seconds for new or modified configuration details to be propagated to the sensor before performing a test.

  1. Click System | Integrations | Connectors. The Connector Overview appears.

  2. Locate the connector that you added, or modified, or that you want to test.

  3. Click Test at the right side of that row. The test runs immediately.

    Note that you may run only one test at a time.

Stellar Cyber conducts a basic connectivity test for the connector and reports a success or failure result. A successful test indicates that you entered all of the connector information correctly.

To aid troubleshooting your connector, the dialog remains open until you explicitly close it by using the X button. If the test fails, you can select the  button from the same row to review and correct issues.

The connector status is updated every five (5) minutes. A successful test clears the connector status, but if issues persist, the status reverts to failed after a minute.

Repeat the test as needed.

ClosedDisplay sample messages...

Success !

Failure with summary of issue:

Show More example detail:

If the test fails, the common HTTP status error codes are as follows:

HTTP Error Code HTTP Standard Error Name Explanation Recommendation
400 Bad Request This error occurs when there is an error in the connector configuration.

Did you configure the connector correctly?

401 Unauthorized

This error occurs when an authentication credential is invalid or when a user does not have sufficient privileges to access a specific API.

Did you enter your credentials correctly?

Are your credentials expired?

Are your credentials entitled or licensed for that specific resource?

403 Forbidden This error occurs when the permission or scope is not correct in a valid credential.

Did you enter your credentials correctly?

Do you have the required role or permissions for that credential?

404 Not Found This error occurs when a URL path does not resolve to an entity. Did you enter your API URL correctly?
429 Too Many Requests

This error occurs when the API server receives too much traffic or if a user’s license or entitlement quota is exceeded.

The server or user license/quota will eventually recover. The connector will periodically retry the query.

If this occurs unexpectedly or too often, work with your API provider to investigate the server limits, user licensing, or quotas.

For a full list of codes, refer to HTTP response status codes.

Verifying Ingestion

To verify ingestion:

  1. Click Investigate | Threat Hunting. The Interflow Search tab appears.

  2. Change the Indices for the type of content you collected:

    • For Alerts and Agents, change the Indices to Syslog.

    • For Agents only, change the Indices to Assets.

    The table immediately updates to show ingested Interflow records.