About Tokens

Stellar Cyber uses tokens to authorize and configure sensor installations. Tokens are long JSON strings that can be decrypted by a sensor to read their encoded information.

What Do Tokens Do?

Tokens give security organizations a convenient way to allow installation of preconfigured sensors in their tenants' environments. Tokens perform the following services:

  • Point the installed sensor at the correct Stellar Cyber platform

    Once a token is assigned to a sensor, it automatically adds itself to the correct Stellar Cyber platform instance for the organization that generated the token.

  • Identify the tenant for the sensor

    When you apply a token to a sensor, the sensor is automatically assigned to the tenant specified in the token. 

  • Authorize the sensor installation

Each of these tasks was performed manually in previous sensor installations. The use of tokens simplifies the process, providing an authorization credential that configures the sensor with the correct tenant and Stellar Cyber platform settings.

Tokens Are Reusable

Tokens are reusable. You can use the same token to authorize and configure multiple sensors in the same tenant environment until it expires two weeks after its initial generation.

Tokens Have Expiration Dates – Sensors Do Not

Tokens can be used to authorize and configure sensors for up to two weeks after their initial generation before they expire. When a token expires, sensors authorized with the token continue to operate as normal. Once a sensor successfully registers with the Stellar Cyber platform, it no longer uses the token. It is only used for the initial authorization, registration, and configuration of the sensor.