Automatic Local Configuration Backups

Stellar Cyber strongly recommends that you schedule regular, separate external configuration and data backups, as discussed in the following topics:

If for some reason you have not scheduled regular external backups, Stellar Cyber also automatically stores daily local configuration backups as a failsafe in case of an emergency. In the event of a disaster where you do not have access to an external configuration backup, you can restore your configuration from the automatic local configuration backup.

Stellar Cyber strongly recommends restoring from external backups using the System | Data Management tools. Restoring configuration from an automatic local backup in the CLI should only be performed in an emergency with assistance from Stellar Cyber Customer Success personnel.

About Automatic Local Configuration Backups

Automatic local configuration backups have the following characteristics:

  • Limited user-configurable settings (see Optional minimal_backup Mode ).

  • Written daily at 03:00 AM UTC.

  • Configuration backups for the last four days are maintained. Older backups are purged to make room for new ones.

  • Can be restored by using the restore_db CLI command and selecting a backup from the list that appears.