Understanding Tenants

Stellar Cyber is a truly multi-tenant platform. This allows a single Stellar Cyber installation to serve any number of unique, separate companies, organizations, or departments while keeping security information fully separated. Not only is the data separate, but machine learning is also unique for each tenant. This feature has two main use cases:

  • To implement the MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider) business model where the serving organization operates and manages Stellar Cyber and provides security monitoring to any number of client companies. The individual client companies are tenants, and Stellar Cyber sees each company as a unique and separate entity.
  • For larger organizations multi-tenancy allows the delegation of security functions to subordinate departments. For example, a company with offices in different regions can assign each branch its own Stellar Cyber tenant. The home office operates and manages the data processor, leaving the branches to focus locally.

This overview page describes the basic concepts that apply across the Stellar Cyber system with regard to tenants.

Tenant Definition

A tenant is defined in the system by its name, assigned by the system administrator. (See Tenant Users.) There is a unique ID assigned to the tenant entity which is typically not shown in the user interface although it will appear in Interflow records.

For users that have multi-tenant access, the user interface includes a dropdown in the upper right corner of the screen that lets you select the tenant whose data you want to see. This control acts as an overall filter for all data record information. If a specific tenant is selected, then only event and Interflow records that belong to that tenant are displayed and can be acted upon.

The All Tenants selection removes the filter and all records in the Data Lake become accessible.

If you have many tenants defined, the Tenants dropdown includes a Search capability that helps you quickly find exactly the tenant you're seeking, as illustrated below.

The Tenants dropdown does not appear for tenant users. Instead the filter is preset to the Stellar Cyber tenant to which the user has been assigned and cannot be changed.

A security analyst will typically select a specific tenant when responding to a report regarding trouble in a specific region or for a specific client.

Root Tenant

This special tenant that may be used when a record or entity is intended to be regarded as enterprise-wide and not for a specific tenant. It can be used as a default or in the case where an installation is not using multi-tenancy.

Tenant Users

Users with tenant scope are used to provide visibility-level access to individuals that belong to the sub-divisions that the tenant represents.

Tenant users:

  • Do not have access to the case management function.
  • Cannot create automated threat playbooks.
  • Cannot take firewall response actions.
  • Do not have access to configuration and administrative functions.

Attributes of Tenants

The tenant identity appears in almost all data records collected and managed by Stellar Cyber.

  • Interflow records and events are assigned to a tenant.
  • Sensors are assigned to a tenant. When they generate Interflow records those data are keyed to the tenant to which they belong.
  • Connectors are assigned to a tenant.
  • Saved queries are tenant-specific. The saved queries that one tenant user creates cannot be seen by users of other tenants.
  • Custom dashboards are tenant-specific.

Tenant Groups

You can group tenants, which allows you to easily manage multiple tenants and users at those tenants.

You can add tenants to groups on the System | Tenant Groups page. See Tenant Groups for more information.