Configuring Data Enrichment

Administrators for an individual tenant, tenant group, or the root tenant can use this feature if they have Security Admin, Platform Admin, or Super Admin privileges.

Stellar Cyber uses information from a variety of sources to enrich the data collected, and this feature allows you to customize certain enrichment types.

As shown in the above example, there are three types you can configure:

About Enrichments in Previous Releases

The 4.3.7 release updates Stellar Cyber's approach to enrichments, simplifying the process while also providing more per-tenant flexibility for private IP ranges. The pre-4.3.7 approach is still available in the Enrichments (deprecated) tab and is described in Enrichments in Previous Releases .

Using the Enrichments Table

When you select System | Enrichments, Stellar Cyber displays a table of the available enrichment options that have been configured for your organization. From this table, you can Create, Edit, or Delete the enrichments, and perform other standard table functions.

Configuring Private IP Enrichments

The IP enrichment option lets you specify subnets for which IP addresses should be considered private and marked accordingly in event record fields. All other addresses (except RFC-1918 addresses) are considered public.

IP addresses described by RFC-1918 as generally-accepted "private" IP addresses do not need to be configured. They are automatically designated as private.

  1. Select System | Enrichments.

    The enrichment table appears.

  2. Select Create.

  3. In the dialog box that appears, set Type to Private IP.

  4. (Root tenant) Specify the Tenant that will be allowed to use this enrichment. You can select All Tenants or a specific individual tenant.

  5. Select Next.

  6. Enter a standard IPv4 address/subnet; for example,

  7. To add another subnet, select the Add icon () and enter it in the new row that appears. Continue adding as many subnets as you need. (Use the icon to remove rows.)

  8. Select Next.

  9. Review the configuration and Submit.

  10. To add more private IP subnets later:

    1. Select the Edit this row icon on the far right.

    2. Select Advanced in the Edit Enrichment dialog that appears and Add more subnets.

    3. When done, select Done and then Submit.

Configuring DNS Track Enrichments

You can use DNS Track to track DNS resolution changes for specified domains. If one of the tracked domains resolves to a new IP address, Stellar Cyber creates an entry in the Changed Domains to IP Resolutions table in the Investigate | Threat Hunting | Threat Hunting Library| DNS Analysis page.

  1. Select System | Enrichments.

    The enrichment table appears.

  2. Select Create.

  3. In the dialog box that appears, set Type to DNS Track.

  4. Specify the Tenant that will be allowed to use this enrichment. You can select All Tenants or a specific individual tenant.

  5. Select Next.

  6. Specify a domain; for example,

  7. To add another domain, select the Add icon () and enter it in the new row that appears. Continue adding as many domains as you need. (Use the icon to remove rows.)

  8. Select Next.

  9. Review the configuration and Submit.

  10. To add more domains for DNS tracking later:

    1. Select the Edit this row icon on the far right.

    2. Select Advanced in the Edit Enrichment dialog that appears and Add more domains.

    3. When done, select Done and then Submit.

Configuring Custom (IP) Geo Enrichments

You can use the IP Geo Enrichment module to configure the geolocation associated with specified IP addresses manually, overriding the geolocation that Stellar Cyber obtains from geolocation databases. This is useful in situations where you are seeing false positives for Impossible Travel and Location Anomaly alerts based on an inaccurate geolocation. This lets you adjust information if you think that false positives have occurred.

  1. Select System | Enrichments.

    The enrichment table appears.

  2. Select Create.

  3. In the dialog box that appears, set Type to Custom Geo.

  4. Specify the Tenant that will be allowed to use this enrichment. You can select All Tenants or a specific individual tenant.

  5. Select Next.

  6. Set the following options:

    (Options with an asterisk are required; others appear in geolocation display information for the specified IP address.)

    • IP* – The IP address for which you want to specify a geolocation.

    • Latitude* – The latitude for the geolocation of this IP address in decimal degrees format, from -90 to 90.

    • Longitude* – The longitude for the geolocation of this IP address in decimal degrees format, from -180 to 180.

    • Country Name – Select the country for this IP address from the drop-down list.

    • Country Code (read only) – Set automatically based on the selected Country Name.

    • City – Specify the city for this IP address.

    • Region – Specify the region for this IP address

  7. Select Next.

  8. Review the configuration and Submit.

  9. To add more geolocation configurations later:

    1. Select the Edit this row icon on the far right.

    2. Select Advanced in the Edit Enrichment dialog that appears and Add more geolocation configurations.

    3. When done, select Done and then Submit.

Enrichments in Previous Releases

This section describes how Enrichments worked in releases prior to 4.3.7. This approach is still available in the Enrichments (deprecated) tab in 4.3.7.

You must have Root scope to use this feature.

Stellar Cyber uses information from a variety of sources to enrich the data collected. This enrichment helps refine detections.

Enrichment Table

When you select the System | Enrichment option, Stellar Cyber displays a table of the available enrichment modules along with their current status, as shown below:

  • Modules that can be individually enabled or disabled are listed with a toggle in the Status column that lets you switch them between Enabled and Disabled, as shown in the figure above.

  • Modules that are required for Stellar Cyber operations are listed without a toggle switch in the Status column and cannot be disabled.

  • Modules that require configuration are listed with a Config button adjacent to their entry (for example, DNS Track and IP Geo Enrichment).

Configuring DNS Track

You can use the DNS Track module to track DNS resolution changes for specified domains. If one of the tracked domains resolves to a new IP address, Stellar Cyber creates an entry in the Changed Domains to IP Resolutions table in the Investigate | Threat Hunting | Threat Hunting Library DNS Analysis page.

The DNS Track enrichment module is listed with a Config button in the Enrichment table that lets you add tracked domains, as shown in the example below:

To track a domain:

  1. Click System | Enrichment. The Enrichment table appears.
  2. Click Config in the DNS Track row.
  3. Click the button to add a row to the table.
  4. Enter the domain you want to track.
  5. Choose a tenant.
  6. Click Submit.

To remove a domain:

  1. Click System | Enrichment. The Enrichment table appears.
  2. Click Config on the DNS Track row.
  3. Click in the domain's row.
  4. Click Submit.

Configuring IP Geo Enrichment

You can use the IP Geo Enrichment module to configure the geolocation associated with specified IP addresses manually, overriding the geolocation obtained by Stellar Cyber from geolocation databases. This is useful in situations where you are seeing false positives for Impossible Travel and Location Anomaly alerts based on an inaccurate geolocation. Specifying the correct location for an IP address manually allows you to prevent such false positives.

Use the following procedure to assign a geolocation to an IP address manually:

  1. Click System | Enrichment. The Enrichment table appears.
  2. Click Config in the IP Geo Enrichment row.
  3. Click the + Add Configuration button.
  4. Set the following options. Options with an asterisk are required; others will appear in geolocation display information for the specified IP address.

    • IP* – The IP address for which you would like to specify a geolocation.

    • Tenant* – The tenant for which this IP geolocation assignment will apply. You can select All Tenants or a specific individual tenant.

    • Latitude* – The latitude for the geolocation of this IP address in decimal degrees format, from -90 to 90.

    • Longitude* – The longitude for the geolocation of this IP address in decimal degrees format, from -180 to 180.

    • Country Name – Select the country for this IP address from the dropdown menu.

    • Country Code – Set automatically based on the selected Country Name.

    • City – Specify the City for this IP address.

    • Region – Specify the Region for this IP address

  5. Click Submit.

To remove a custom IP geolocation:

  1. Click System | Enrichment. The Enrichment table appears.
  2. Click Config on the IP Geo Enrichment row.
  3. Click in the IP address's row.
  4. Click Submit.

Enrichment Details

The following table lists the metadata fields that Stellar Cyber uses for enrichment, a description of the field, the source of the information, and the enrichment it is used for.

Enrichment Field Description Source Enrichment
access_mask Permission required to access the object - Windows object access
access_subject Process or system object that initiated access - Windows object access
aella_tuples Unique session ID comprising source IP, destination IP and port, and app ID - -
appid_family Application family DP App ID
appid_name Application name DP App ID
appid_stdport Whether or not the application is using the standard port DP App ID
attack_start_date Timestamp of the start of the attack - -
command Command that was run - Linux command
correlation_info The metadata in individual events of a correlation result - -
detect_date When the sensor detected an attack - -
detect_origin Direction of the attack - -
detection_flag Detection this record applies to - -
direction Direction of the file transfer, either forward for source to destination, or backward for destination to source Traffic data File transfer direction
domain_reputation Reputation of the domain - -
dscp_name Readable DSCP value Sensor Network identifier
dstmac Destination MAC address - -
dstip_aella_flag How to process the IP address for detections - -
Asset tag associated with the IP address - -
Asset ID associated with the IP address - -
Host name associated with the IP address DNS/DHCP Host/domain name correlation
Geographic location (country, city, etc) associated with the IP address - IP geo
Latitude and longitude associated with the IP address - -
Reputation associated with the IP address - Reputation
Source of the reputation associated with the IP address - Reputation
Signature ID associated with the IP address - -
Whether the IP address is public or private - IP type
Username and user ID associated with the IP address AD Username correlation
When the domain associated with the IP address was created - -
The version associated with the IP address, IPv4 or IPv6 - -
engid_device_class Sensor operating system, either Windows or Linux Sensor Sensor information correlation
engid_gateway Sensor's gateway Sensor Sensor information correlation
exec_user User that executed the command - Linux command
fidelity Fidelity of an event - -
hostip IP address of the host reporting the event - -
icmp_type ICMP message type DP ICMP
inbytes_total Total inbound bytes in the session so far Sensor Network traffic metric
is_dga If a DNS request is DGA DP Suspicious domain identification
login_result Result of the login attempt Sensor Login
login_type Application logged in to Sensor Login
login_user Username associated with the login attempt Sensor Login
mac MAC addresses associated with the host - -
metadata.is_tunneling If a DNS session is potentially tunneling DP DNS tunneling correlation
metadata.request.domain_creation Creation of a domain in the DNS request DP DNS domain creation
metadata.request.effective_tld Effective TLD of a domain name DP DNS domain name TLD extraction
metadata.response.domain_creation Creation of a domain in the DNS request DP DNS domain creation
metadata.response.effective_tld Effective TLD of a domain name DP DNS domain name TLD extraction
metadata._whitelist Whether any metadata field is whitelisted - -
msg_class Whether this record belongs to an endpoint class - -
msg_origin.source Vendor'r product - -
netid_name Name of a network ID Sensor Network identifier
new_dns_record A DNS record that has not been seen before DP DNS records tracking
outbytes_total Total outbound bytes in the session so far Sensor Network traffic metric
parent_child Concatenation of the parent and child process names DP Process correlation
parent_proc_name Name of the parent process DP Process correlation
process_name Name of the process DP Process correlation
proto_name Name of the protocol - -
remote_ip IP address of the remote host involved in the event Sensor Windows PowerShell script
remote_port Port of the remote host involved in the event Sensor Windows PowerShell script
smb_denied_count Number of times access was denied in a single SMB session DP SMB
smb_username_count Number of unique usernames used in a single SMB session DP SMB
smb_username_set Set of unique usernames used in a single SMB session DP SMB
srcmac MAC address of the source IP address - -
tenantid ID of the tenant Sensor and DP Tenant information correlation
tenant_name Name of the tenant Sensor and DP Tenant information correlation
totalbytes Total bytes in the session so far Sensor Network traffic metric
totalpackets Total packets since the last session update Sensor Network traffic metric
url_reputation Reputation of the URL - -
username Username associated with the application - -
vulnerabilities.cve The CVE associated with a plugin or vulnerability Database Security scan vulnerability
vulnerabilities.description Description of a Nessus vulnerability


Security scan vulnerability