Queries and Alert Filters

Queries and alert filters are constructed using similar components from the Lucene search engine library. They are covered in the two main sections below:

Using Queries and the Query Builder

Queries are requests for data from the Stellar Cyber database. You can build and execute a range of queries from simple to complex that you can use immediately and save for use and reuse in the future. Over time, you might build a library of queries to use when gathering information for analysis.

Unlike the Search tool, which looks for a search term everywhere, a query lets you specify a field to search, greatly increasing the speed. For example, instead of searching for china and getting every place where that term appears, you can build a query for srcip_geo.countryName: china and get a list of only places where the source IP address country is China.

Query builders are located in the Query and Filter Manager in System | Queries and Filters and on various feature pages throughout the interface. Instructions for creating queries in the Query and Filter Manager and on feature pages are provided below.

While basic query and filter creation is available on individual feature pages throughout the UI, the Query and Filter Manager provides a single workspace where all queries and alert filters are gathered. The Query and Filter Manager also provides advanced options that let you test queries and work with multiple query and filter variations at once. The convenience of having all the queries and filters together plus its robust capabilities make the Query and Filter Manager a powerful tool for managing complex database searches and alert filters.

Possible changes in query behavior after upgrading to 5.3.0 – In 5.3.0, there are subtle differences in the new query builder from that in previous releases. Although all new queries that you create in 5.3.0 will automatically be in the new format, all queries that existed before you upgraded to 5.3.0 will remain in the legacy format. If you load an existing query into the query builder to look at it and run the query but do not alter the syntax by making any changes to a field, operator, or value, then the new query format will not be applied and the legacy format will be retained. However, if you edit and save an existing query after upgrading to 5.3.0, it will be converted into the new format. This conversion occurs whether you use the query builder in the Query and Filter Manager (System | Queries and Filters) or a query builder on one of several feature pages throughout the Stellar Cyber interface. Because this might introduce some behavior changes that produce unexpected results, use the Run tool to first verify the query and make sure you're getting the type of results you expect before saving it.

When there are queries in the legacy format with rules that might produce different results if their syntax was converted into the new format, Stellar Cyber displays a notification about this above the queries table in the Query and Filter Manager. If you see this notification, view the flagged queries and use the Run option to test them individually before converting them to the new format.

Although the filter builder is similar to the query builder, the format of alert filters created in previous releases is not affected when upgraded to 5.3.0.

Use the Query Builder in the Query and Filter Manager

The Query and Filter Manager (System | Queries and Alert Filters) includes a query and filter builder that operates in two modes—one to create queries and another to create alert filters. When it's set for queries, you can build simple, compound, and complex queries to retrieve data you want from the Stellar Cyber database. (For instructions on using the query and filter builder to build alert filters, see Use the Filter Builder in the Query and Filter Manager below.) The Stellar Cyber query builder provides a graphical interface with options to select indices, define conditions, and create groups, generating the required query syntax and grammar behind the scenes for you.

The Query and Filter Manager consists of the following components:

To construct queries in the Query and Filter Manager:

  1. Log in to the Stellar Cyber user interface (UI) and select System | Queries and Filters (under Configurations).

  2. Select Create.

    The Query and Filter Builder appears in Query mode. (To switch to Alert Filter mode, select Query Mode | Alert Filter Mode.)

    The options used in query construction are also relevant when working with filters. Both involve defining conditions, applying logic, and using structured syntax to retrieve or filter data. For information about the different settings and options in a query, see Query Builder Parameters.

  3. Choose the indices in which you want to run the query.

    If you create a query for a single index, you can set the time range up 1 month (this past month). If you choose two or more indices, the maximum time range can be up to 1 day (last 24 hours).

  4. Set the scope of the query among Stellar Cyber tenants.

  5. Set a time range for the data to query.

    If you're querying a single index, the time range can be up to this past month. If you're querying two or more indices, the time range can be up to the last 24 hours. Stellar Cyber uses the time range you set when you select Run to check if the query produces results as expected.

    The time range is not saved with the query itself; when you run a query later, Stellar Cyber automatically uses the currently active time range on the feature page where you run the query, up to the maximum allowed for querying a single index or multiple indices.

  6. Add one or more conditions or string conditions.

  7. Run the query and check the results at the bottom of the page.

    If necessary, make changes to any of the settings and run it again. Keep making changes and testing the query until you're satisfied with the types of results you're getting.

    If you defined a query for the Alerts index, you can change it to an alert filter by selecting Query Mode | Alert Filter Mode and then saving it as an alert filter.

  8. Select Save | Save As, give the query a meaningful name, optionally add notes, and then Save.

    Stellar Cyber saves the query and displays it in the same tab with its new name.

  9. To add another query or an alert filter, select the Plus icon ( + ) to the right of the active tab and select New Query or New Alert Filter.

    Stellar Cyber keeps the tab for the first query open, creates a new tab next to it, and switches to the new tab. You can leave both the first and second tabs open and switch back and forth between them as you work.

    You can have up to ten tabs open simultaneously. They can be all queries, all alert filters, or a mix of both.

Use the Query Builder on Feature Pages

A version of the query builder that's in the Query and Filter Manager appears on pages throughout the Stellar Cyber interface wherever there's data that can be affected by search results:

  • Investigate | Threat Hunting | Correlation Search | for New query in the Configure section

  • Respond | Automation | Create to add a new playbook or ("Edit this row" icon) to edit an existing playbook | New Query

  • Respond | Reports | Filters | Queries | ("Open Query Builder" icon) | New Query

  • Visualize | Charts | Create to add a new chart or ("Edit this row" icon) to edit an existing chart | New Query on the Query step in the chart builder

  • Visualize | XDR Kill Chain | Filters | Queries | ("Open Query Builder" icon) | New Query

  • Alerts | View for an Alert Type | ("More info" icon) for an alert event | Actions | Add an Alert Filter

The query builder on these pages is a more compact version of the one in the Query and Filter Manager but contains many of the same options: a list of saved queries for selection, the ability to edit (but not delete) saved queries, and an option to create new ones. When you select a saved query, Stellar Cyber executes it immediately and updates the page with the query results.

The None query at the top of the list is a special case that removes any effect of a query on the search results. It's selected by default.

Create a New Query in the Query Builder on a Feature Page

To create a new query:

  1. Navigate to one of the feature pages with a query builder and select New Query.

    The Query Builder dialog box appears.

  2. Enter a name for the query.

    Special characters are not permitted in name fields for Queries, Lookup lists, Reports/Dashboards. Letters, underscores, spaces, dashes, numbers and periods are permitted.

  3. Choose a Condition TypeAND, NOT, or OR.

    These logical operators determine the relationship between multiple conditions within the group.

    For information about the different settings and options in a query, see Query Builder Parameters.

  4. Add Condition and enter a field, operator, and value to define a simple query.

  5. Add more your conditions, string conditions, and inner groups to the group as necessary.

  6. To create a compound query, select Add new group and repeat the previous steps.

  7. Save the query.

    Stellar Cyber saves the query for future use on the page where you created it, on all feature pages with query builders,a nd in the Query and Filter Manager.

Edit a Previously Saved Query

To edit a previously saved query:

  1. Select a query from the Saved Queries list.

    If you start typing the query name, Stellar Cyber narrows the queries accordingly. When you select the query, the display changes to show the query in its structured form.

  2. Select Edit to open the Build a Query dialog box.

  3. You can change the name and description of the query.

    Special characters are not permitted in name fields for Queries, Lookup lists, Reports/Dashboards. Letters, underscores, spaces, dashes, numbers and periods are permitted.

  4. You can add, modify, and delete conditions.

  5. Save the query when you're done with your changes.

If the query tool has a saved query selected and you select Open Query Builder to the right, the Query Builder dialog box opens with the selected query in edit mode.

Delete a Previously Saved Query

To delete a previously saved query:

  1. Select System | Queries and Filters (under Configurations), and check the In Use column in the Queries table to see the number of places where the query you want to delete is being used.

  2. Hover your cursor over the number to see a pop-up list of the features using the query.

  3. Remove the query from use in these features and then return to the Queries table.

    When the In Use column has 0 entries, the Delete icon appears in the Actions column.

  4. Select Delete and then select Yes to confirm the query deletion when prompted.

Query Builder Parameters

The following are details about the various parameters in the query builder.

Query Name

Choose a name that makes the query easy to find again later.

Special characters are not permitted in name fields for Queries, Lookup lists, Reports/Dashboards. Letters, underscores, spaces, dashes, numbers and periods are permitted.

Condition Type

The options are AND, NOT, and OR. These boolean operators are applied when the new condition is entered.

Condition Type does not apply for the first condition.

Add Condition

Adds a new condition to the query. The condition includes a field, operator, and value.

  • Field

    The field is the data object in the Interflow record to be tested by the condition. There can be a large number of objects in an Interflow record, and the drop-box provides some of them. You can also enter the field name.

    See the Interflow overview page for more information on possible field selections.

  • Operator

    The operator defines the relationship between the field and the value.

  • Value

    The value the condition field will be tested against.

Add String Condition

A string condition consists of a free-form text string using Lucene query string operators and syntax.

Add Inner Group

More complex queries might require inner groups. Inner groups are multiple conditions evaluated as a unit. They are equivalent to parenthetical terms in mathematics.

Selecting this adds an inner (or child) group within the outer (or parent) group, with its own set of conditions.

There can be a maximum of ten layers of nested inner groups in a query + the outer group that encompasses all the inner groups.

Remove This Group

This button appears inside an inner group. Selecting this removes the inner group.


This button appears to the right of the condition parameter. Selecting it removes the condition.

Change Query Access between Root Tenant and All Tenants

When Stellar Cyber is deployed as a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP), the root tenant is the MSSP itself and the sub-tenants are its customers. Each customer of the MSSP is assigned its own logically isolated environment so that security events, logs, configurations, and activities of one tenant are not accessible to another. However, the root tenant has overarching control and visibility into all tenant environments.

When you are logged in to the root tenant, you can create queries that can be used by the root tenant only, by a specific sub-tenant, or by all tenants. When you set the share scope for a query as All Tenants, then all tenants can access the query to see data in charts, dashboards, and Automated Threat Hunting (ATH) rules. When you set the share scope as Root Tenant, then only the root tenant can use the query. Finally, if you are logged in as a sub-tenant user, any queries you create are only accessible within your environment.

It's possible to edit a query created by a root tenant to change its share scope from All Tenants to Root Tenant, and from Root Tenant to All Tenants, even if the query is currently in use.

To see a list of all configured queries, navigate to System | Configuration | Queries.

To change the share scope of a previously configured query, select the Edit icon in the Actions column. If the existing query has a share scope of Root Tenant, you can change it to All Tenants, which allows the root tenant and all sub-tenants that the MSSP manages to access the query. If the existing query has a share scope of All Tenants, you can change it to Root Tenant.

Screen capture of the Query Builder toggling between All Tenants and Root Tenant

This revokes access to it by the sub-tenants. If the query is in use by one or more tenants, a confirmation prompt appears, explaining that the query is in use and that the change will impact existing charts and reports and that ATH rules using the query will no longer function. To continue with the change of scope, select Confirm.

Screen capture of the Tenant Change Confirmation in the Query Builder

Using Alert Filters and the Filter Builder

Alert filters ignore events that don't interest you so that you only receive alerts about those events on which you want to focus. Because Stellar Cyber suppresses filtered alerts, they don't appear in the Alerts index. You can create alert filters in the Queries and Filters Manager on System | Queries and Filters or from alert event details at Alerts | View for an Alert Type | ("More info" icon) for an alert event | Actions | Add an Alert Filter.

Use the Filter Builder in the Query and Filter Manager

To create an alert filter in the Query and Filter Manager:

  1. Select System | Queries and Filters (under Configurations) and on the Alert Filters tab select Create.

    The query and filter builder appears in Alert Filter mode. (To switch to Query mode, select Alert Filter Mode | Query Mode.)

    The options used in alert filter construction are also relevant when working with queries. Both involve defining conditions, applying logic, and using structured syntax to filter or retrieve data.

  2. If you are logged in to Stellar Cyber at the root level, choose an individual tenant or All Tenants. This sets the scope of its availability.

  3. Set the operator (AND, OR, or NOT) to determine the relationship between conditions in the group.

  4. Select Add condition.

    For details about defining conditions and adding more conditions, inner groups, and new groups of conditions, see Add Conditions and Groups and the other sections later in this topic.

    You can change an alert filter to a query by selecting Alert Filter Mode | Query Mode and then saving it as a query.

  5. Select Save | Save As, give the alert filter a meaningful name, optionally add a note about it for future reference, and then Save.

    Stellar Cyber saves the alert filter and displays it in the same tab with its new name.

    As soon as you save an alert filter, Stellar Cyber immediately applies it to alerts and the filtered alerts do not appear in the Alert index. You don't need to apply alert filters manually; upon their creation, Stellar Cyber applies them automatically.

  6. To add another alert filter or a query, select the Plus icon ( + ) to the right of the active tab and select New Alert Filter or New Query.

    Stellar Cyber keeps the tab for the first alert filter open, creates a new tab next to it, and switches to the new tab. You can leave both the first and second tabs open and switch back and forth between them as you work.

    You can have up to ten tabs open simultaneously. They can be all alert filters, all queries, or a mix of both.

Use the Filter Builder in Alert Event Details

To create an alert filter from the alert event details:

  1. Select Alerts | View for an Alert Type | ("More info" icon) for an alert event.

    Select More Info for an event.

  2. Select Actions | Add an Alert Filter.

    Screen capture of "Add an Alert Filter" under the Actions tab

    The Add an Alert Filter dialog box appears with fields pre-populated based on the selected alert.

  3. Enter a Name for the filter.

    The name can be up to 100 characters long including spaces

  4. Set the operator (AND, OR, or NOT) to determine the relationship between conditions in the group.

  5. Select Add condition to start defining your condition.

    For details on defining a condition and adding more conditions, inner groups, and new groups, see the next section, Adding Conditions and Groups, and the other sections later in this topic.

  6. (Optional) Add Notes about the alert filter for future reference.

  7. Submit.

    As soon as you submit the alert filter, Stellar Cyber immediately applies it to alerts and the filtered alerts do not appear in the Alert index. You don't need to apply alert filters manually; upon their creation, Stellar Cyber applies them automatically.

Add Conditions and Groups

In Stellar Cyber, queries and alert filters are constructed using Lucene Lucene was developed by the Apache Software Foundation. It consists of a search engine library whose software components and functionalities enable the efficient indexing and searching of datasets. It also includes a Lucene query language whose syntax and rules allow you to interact with the data set to search, filter, and retrieve specific data based on the criteria you define. syntax (conditions and groups) that define criteria for matching data. A group consists of one or more conditions and can also contain inner groups to build complex logical expressions. When there are multiple outer groups, each one operates independently and is connected by an "OR" relationship, meaning that if the conditions defined in any outer group are true, the overall query or alert filter condition is satisfied. Within each group, the logical relationships among individual conditions and inner groups can be defined using "AND," "OR," or "NOT" to specify how the conditions should interact. Conditions within a group using "AND" must all be true for the group to match, "OR" allows any condition within the group to trigger a match, while "NOT" excludes specific conditions. By combining these elements, you can create alert filters that suppress only the alerts matching your criteria so you can focus on more relevant security events.

When building an alert filter, you can add conditions, inner groups, and new groups. There is no maximum number of components that you add to an alert filter. However, the maximum number of layers of nested inner groups is ten (not counting the outer group that encompasses the nest of ten inner groups within it).

Add a Condition

A condition is a specific criterion or set of criteria that data must meet to be included in the result set.

To add a condition to a group, select Add condition and then define its components: field, operator, and value (in some cases multiple values). You can add as many conditions as you like. The operator defines the relationship between the field and the value. The following is a descriptive list of all the operators that Stellar Cyber supports.

When there are multiple conditions, you can drag and drop them to rearrange their order.

Reordering conditions inner groups within their outer group doesn't affect their logical relationship or the results of a query or filter. It simply lets you organize multiple conditions and inner groups within a group as you prefer, such as placing all the conditions at the top and all the inner groups at the bottom.

The following are some points to know when creating conditions:

  • When the Aa icon appears at the left of a condition, you can toggle context-sensitivity on and off. By default, case-sensitivity is off. When case-sensitivity is on, there will only be exact matches to the case of a value. For example, if case sensitivity is off and the value is test, all of these are matches: test, Test, and TEST. If case sensitivity is on, then only test matches test.

  • To know which field name to choose from the Field drop-down list, check the field names that show up in event details such as those at Alerts | View for an Alert Type | ("More info" icon) for an alert event | JSON. Then start typing the field name into the text box. Stellar Cyber uses a predictive search to dynamically narrow down the available options based on your input until you spot the one you want. You can also supplement the predictive search by using the scroll bar to find the field name in the alphabetically ordered list.

    To create a condition with a field name that isn't in the Field drop-down list, type in the complete field name. Stellar Cyber displays a new drop-down list between Field and Operator with the following choices of value types: boolean, date, ip, number, and string. Choose the value type, then the operator, and finally enter a value.

  • The values are validated as they are entered. An error message appears if, for example, the value should be an IPv4 address (such as but it was not formatted in dotted decimal notation.

  • When the operator is is, is not, contains, or does not contain, the ("Plus") icon appears, and you can enter multiple values. The relationship between the values is OR.

  • When the Value field doesn't present a calendar and clock for you to select a date and time, manually enter them in UNIX Epoch format The UNIX Epoch format refers to a way of representing time as the number of seconds that have passed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)., in seconds.

  • IP addresses with subnet masks are supported.

  • There is no Value for the operators field exists and field does not exist. Simply choose the field that you want to filter alerts for if it exists in an Interflow record or does not exist.

  • The is in lookup and is not in lookup operators let your condition reference a reusable, dynamic list of values. Instead of configuring the same list of values over multiple filters, you can instead reference a lookup (see Working with the Lookups Table ). If you want to add or remove values, you just need to modify the lookup instead of modifying each filter.

  • Invalid conditions—for example, duplicate conditions—are underlined in red and an error icon appears at the end of the condition. Select the error icon to display an error message. Either select Remove duplicate to allow Stellar Cyber to remove the duplicate condition automatically or select Dismiss to correct the duplicate condition yourself.

  • If there are two or more alert filters with the same condition, such as a filter for All Tenants and other filters for specific tenants, Stellar Cyber applies the All Tenants filter first, then the specific tenant filters. This tenant override behavior allows an MSSP admin to set up some general settings for All Tenants, then fine-tune with more refined settings for each tenant.

Add an Inner Group and a New Group

To add an inner group to a group, select Add inner group. Once you do, the original group becomes the outer group. You can add up (up to 10 inner groups). This lets you nest conditions, which allows for more nuanced filtering by combining different criteria.

Use the following group operators to define the logical relationship between conditions within a group—the conditions within an outer group and the conditions within an inner group:

  • AND – retrieves results that satisfy all the conditions

  • OR – retrieves results that satisfy at least one of the conditions

  • NOT – excludes results that satisfy the conditions

Select Add new group to add a new group of conditions and inner groups. The relationship between two or more outer groups is always OR.

Keep Track of Per-Tenant Alert Filter Statistics

By default, the Alert Filters table displays a Hit Count column that helps you keep track of how many alerts have been excluded by an alert filter on a per-tenant basis. Use this feature as follows:

  1. Select System | Queries and Filters (under Configurations) | Alert Filters.

  2. Locate the Hit Count column.

    If it does not appear, you can add it from the column picker to the left of the table.

  3. Select in the Hit Count column header to sort the table by the number of alert filters with the most hits.

  4. After sorting the table so you can see entries with non-zero values in the Hit Count column, select any entry in the column to see the number of alerts excluded by the filter broken out by tenant.

Alert Filtering Examples

The following example filters out a vulnerability scanner from triggering port scan alerts.

Screen capture of the "Edit an Alert Filter" panel

The following example filters specific tenants. After selecting All Tenants, you can add a condition, search for the tenant_name field, then enter one or more values for specific tenant names.

Screen capture of the "Add an Alert Filter" dialog box