Removing Tenants

Only administrative users with a Root scope and Super Admin or Platform Admin privileges can delete tenants and clear database indices on System | Data Tenants. All other types of users can see the page but cannot delete tenants or clear database indices.

When you completely remove a tenant from Stellar Cyber, all of the objects configured for it are automatically removed such as charts, reports, dashboards, connectors, custom log parsers, sensors, and admin users. As a safety measure, because the delete function is not reversible, a list of objects is displayed for review prior to completing the action.

  • For objects that a tenant is allowed to access but is not the sole user (such as those assigned to All Tenant), the tenant is removed from the object; the object itself is not deleted.

  • When the tenant being removed is the only remaining tenant in a group, that tenant group is also removed along with the partner user managing the group.

  • Authentication objects associated with the tenant, such as IdP certificates are also automatically removed when the tenant and its users are removed.

Stellar Cyber also gives you the option to clear one or more of its database indices. This purges data in the Records, Assets, Users (that is, “Asset Users”), and Cases. For compliance purposes, you might need to keep this data for a certain length of time after deleting the tenant. If so, then leave all the indices unselected.

  1. Select System | Tenants.

    The table of tenants is displayed.

  2. Select on the row for that tenant.

    A Deletion Confirmation dialog box appears with a list of objects associated with the selected tenant. Note that certain objects are listed as a count, such as assets, rather than by name

  3. Review the list and, optionally, visit the management page for the object to reassign it to another tenant, or All Tenants, or to export it (where applicable).

    The delete is not reversible, so review the objects before you proceed.

  4. Below the list of objects in the Deletion Confirmation dialog box, select any database indices you want to clear—Records, Assets, Users (that is, “Asset Users”), and Cases.

  5. After you are ready to proceed with the delete, select Yes, permanently remove this tenant.

    When you purge data and delete a tenant, Stellar Cyber displays the progress of the data purge and tenant deletion in a Task List panel. If both tasks succeed, the task list indicates that the data was cleared and Stellar Cyber automatically removes the tenant from the System | Tenants page. Stellar Cyber keeps any data not selected for deletion for the remainder of its configured retention cycle and then eventually deletes it as well.

    If one or both of the data purge and tenant deletion tasks are unsuccessful, the task list indicates that an error occurred. The tenant configuration remains on the Tenants page as an inaccessible entry with the reason for the failure summarized in the Message column. If this happens, contact Stellar Cyber Customer Services for assistance.