Examples: Using the API with Tenants

You can use the Stellar Cyber API to perform the following tasks for tenants:

  • Create a new tenant

  • Delete an existing tenant

  • Update an existing tenant's settings

  • List all tenants

  • Retrieve a tenant's information using its tenant ID

Refer to Configuring API Authentication for general requirements to use the API.

Tenants API Syntax

The tenants API is available at the following location:

https://<DP url>/connect/api/v1/tenants

The table below lists the available methods for the tenants API, along with the corresponding syntax. Following the table, separate sections provide the schema for each method along with a corresponding example.




Get All Tenants

GET /tenants

Get a Specific Tenant




Delete a Specific Tenant

DELETE /tenants/{id}

Create a Tenant

POST /tenants/

Update a Tenant's Configuration

PATCH /tenants/{id}

Get All Tenants

The following example uses cURL with basic authentication to query for all tenants with a GET command using the following details:

  • Username:API Key – ohtani:N-YrP02Xl6yHO-1HW1gi1nems2g319Q3wLNpOAxWx9_ttbMw3pyB5qPvSVl3qt9CmgvOhHhtDCuEs5KcIn6mWw

  • Stellar Cyber DP IP Address –

curl -k -u ohtani:N-YrP02Xl6yHO-1HW1gi1nems2g319Q3wLNpOAxWx9_ttbMw3pyB5qPvSVl3qt9CmgvOhHhtDCuEs5KcIn6mWw -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET

Values in bold are the values you must supply as part of a similar query.

Get a Specific Tenant

The following example uses cURL to query for a specific tenant with a GET command using the following details:

  • Username:API Key – ohtani:N-YrP02Xl6yHO-1HW1gi1nems2g319Q3wLNpOAxWx9_ttbMw3pyB5qPvSVl3qt9CmgvOhHhtDCuEs5KcIn6mWw

  • Stellar Cyber DP IP Address –

  • Tenant ID – e4241ed4714c43df93bce83e847dfa0e

    You can find the tenant ID in System | Tenants. Select the in the ID column and use the Copy to Clipboard command in the context menu that appears to copy the Tenant ID.

curl -k -u ohtani:N-YrP02Xl6yHO-1HW1gi1nems2g319Q3wLNpOAxWx9_ttbMw3pyB5qPvSVl3qt9CmgvOhHhtDCuEs5KcIn6mWw -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET

In response, the API returns configuration details for the specified tenant, similar to the following:


The "field":"value" pairs returned by the API are same options you set when creating a tenant manually in System | Tenants and are described in the schema in Create a Tenant.

Delete a Specific Tenant

The following example uses cURL to delete a specific tenant with a DELETE command using the following details:

  • Username:API Key – ohtani:N-YrP02Xl6yHO-1HW1gi1nems2g319Q3wLNpOAxWx9_ttbMw3pyB5qPvSVl3qt9CmgvOhHhtDCuEs5KcIn6mWw

  • Stellar Cyber DP IP Address –

  • Tenant ID – 55e521cdc5be4374bd42df5cdae628e1

    You can find the tenant ID in System | Tenants. Select the in the ID column and use the Copy to Clipboard command in the context menu that appears to copy the Tenant ID.

curl -k -u ohtani:N-YrP02Xl6yHO-1HW1gi1nems2g319Q3wLNpOAxWx9_ttbMw3pyB5qPvSVl3qt9CmgvOhHhtDCuEs5KcIn6mWw -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE ''

In response, the API returns a success or failure message. Success messages appear as follows:


Note: If you use the API to delete the last tenant in a Tenant Group, both the tenant and the now-empty Tenant Group are deleted.

Create a Tenant

This section describes how to create a new tenant in the API. The schema for the tenants API lets you specify all of the same configuration details you would when creating a new tenant in the user interface. The only mandatory field is the Tenant Name (cust_name). The available fields are as follows:

  "cust_name": "string",
  "contact": "string",
  "contact_email": "string",
  "contact_phone": "string",
  "address": "string",
  "info": "string",
  "retention_group": "string",
  "mfa_enabled": true,
  "authentication_method": "sso_saml",
  "sso_config": {
    "allow_clock_skew": true,
    "idp_certificate": "string",
    "idp_metadata": "string",
    "idp_callback_type": "string",
    "issuer_url": "string",
    "sso_config_method": "metadata",
    "sso_entry_point": "string"
  "ingestion_limit": 0

Your call must have the header and the /connect/api/v1/tenants path, and must have at least the cust_name field, in addition to any optional fields shown in the schema above.

Note that the retention_group field cannot be used with the managed (SaaS) version of Stellar Cyber. Managed versions of Stellar Cyber have version numbers ending in s (for example, 5.2.0s).

Sample Create Tenant Script

Here is a sample Python script with arguments filled in. Note that any arguments that you don't supply values for are left at their default settings, as described in Managing Tenants

#!/usr/bin/env python
import json
import requests
headers={'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-type': 'application/json'}
elastic_url =''
json_data = {
"cust_name": "My New API Tenant",
"contact": "Dev Ops",
"contact_email": "devops@fakecompany.com",
"contact_phone": "415-555-1212",
query = json.dumps(json_data)
response = requests.post(elastic_url, auth=('ohtani','N-YrP02Xl6yHO-1HW1gi1nems2g319Q3wLNpOAxWx9_ttbMw3pyB5qPvSVl3qt9CmgvOhHhtDCuEs5KcIn6mWw'), data=query, verify=False, headers = headers)
print (response.text)

This example performs a POST call as the user ohtaniwith the API key shown in the text. The call is to the Stellar Cyber server at create a tenant with the following fields:

  • cust_name – My New API Tenant

  • contact– Dev Ops

  • contact_email – devops@fakecompany.com

  • contact_phone – 415-555-1212

All other fields for the tenant are left at their default values. Here's how the tenant appears in the user interface after we created it in the API:

Update a Tenant

This section describes how update the settings for an existing tenant. You can use a PATCH to the tenants API to change any of the configuration details available when creating a new tenant in the user interface. The only mandatory fields are the Tenant ID and the Tenant Name (cust_name). The available fields are as follows:

  "cust_name": "string",
  "contact": "string",
  "contact_email": "string",
  "contact_phone": "string",
  "address": "string",
  "info": "string",
  "retention_group": "string",
  "mfa_enabled": true,
  "authentication_method": "sso_saml",
  "sso_config": {
    "allow_clock_skew": true,
    "idp_certificate": "string",
    "idp_metadata": "string",
    "idp_callback_type": "string",
    "issuer_url": "string",
    "sso_config_method": "metadata",
    "sso_entry_point": "string"
  "ingestion_limit": 0

Your call must have the header and the /connect/api/v1/tenants/<tenant_id> path, and must have at least the cust_name field, in addition to any optional fields shown in the schema above that you want to change.

Note that the retention_group field cannot be used with the managed (SaaS) version of Stellar Cyber. Managed versions of Stellar Cyber have version numbers ending in s (for example, 5.2.0s).

Sample Update Tenant Script

This script takes the tenant we created in Create a Tenant and changes the contact name. Note that any arguments that you don't supply values for are left at their existing settingsManaging Tenants

#!/usr/bin/env python
import json
import requests
headers={'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-type': 'application/json'}
elastic_url =''
json_data = {
"cust_name": "My New API Tenant",
"contact": "James Dean",
query = json.dumps(json_data)
response = requests.patch(elastic_url, auth=('ohtani','N-YrP02Xl6yHO-1HW1gi1nems2g319Q3wLNpOAxWx9_ttbMw3pyB5qPvSVl3qt9CmgvOhHhtDCuEs5KcIn6mWw'), data=query, verify=False, headers = headers)
print (response.text)

This example performs a PATCH as the user ohtaniwith the API key shown in the text. The call is to the Stellar Cyber server at patch the tenant's contact name to James Dean:

  • Tenant ID – 046b8eeceac549a2aefa579a180dfb45

    The Tenant ID can be retrieved from System | Tenants and included in the URL.

  • cust_name – My New API Tenant

  • contact– James Dean

All other fields for the tenant are left at their existing values. Here's how the tenant appears in the user interface after we patched it in the API: