Threat Hunting

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Use this screen to examine network events of interest with an emphasis on security anomalies. There are 4 tabs:

Each of these tabs is described in a following section.

As with other Stellar Cyber pages that display event information, the data shown is subject to the filter controls at the top of the screen. See the Queries page for more details.

Interflow Search

The Investigate | Threat Hunting interface uses the Interflow Search tab as its default display, as shown in the figure below.

All results in this screen are additionally filtered according to the parameters at the top of the screen, such as Time Interval. If you select multiple indices, the interval may be automatically adjusted to a smaller duration for efficiency.

The most important control on this screen is the Indices selector. The Stellar Cyber data lake supports the following indices:

  • Alerts (default)
  • Assets
  • AWS Events
  • IDPS/Malware Sandbox Events
  • Linux Events
  • Scans
  • Sensor Monitoring
  • Signals
  • Syslog
  • Traffic
  • Users
  • Windows Events

You can choose a single index, multiple indices, or even all indices.

Searches through multiple indices can be resource intensive, so Stellar Cyber will restrict the time interval to reduce the performance impact.

Interflow Search Using the Search Field

Use the same search syntax in this field as you use elsewhere in the Stellar Cyber UI to isolate specific records. Ideally, you set the index first and then search for a specific pattern, such as srcip: (You can start with the Visual Dictionary to learn more about the fields to query, if needed.)

Following is an example search for IDS records with payload data. The payload feature is supported with dns and http, so let's create a query that searches for just this feature for just that app type.

  1. Access Investigate | Threat Hunting.

  2. Set the index to IDPS/Malware Sandbox Events.

  3. In the Search field above the index, enter the following string, which is only present in those records (substitute dns, as needed):


  4. Click the search icon at the right of the field. The Documents table updates with all matching records.

  5. You can now click More Info from a specific row in the Documents table to display the event details.

  6. From there you can open the JSON tab and view the payload information.

Note that encrypted payload data is not parsed with this feature.

Searching for Alerts Without Correlated Cases

You can use the following search in the Lucene Search bar in either the Alerts or Threat Hunting page to see alerts that have not been correlated to cases in the current time window:1

(NOT ( (_exists_:( OR event_name) AND _exists_:orig_index) OR (stellar.ath.type:raw AND stellar.ath.to_incident:true))) OR (ade_outbytes_anomaly OR ade_outbytes_anomaly_flip)

Interflow Search Using the Visual Dictionary

Click the Open Interflow Dictionary button to display Interflow data.

The keywords are displayed next to the visual dictionary. The visual dictionary provides a simple, visual way to hunt for threats. To begin threat hunting visually:

  1. Find a keyword to use as the beginning of your hunt.
  2. Click on that keyword. The visual dictionary immediately changes to reflect your choice. We chose srcip_geo.countryName.

  3. There are five source IP addresses from an unknown country in our example. If we hover over Unknown (5) in the legend, the and buttons appear.
  4. If we click , Unknown is added to the filter and the results are immediately filtered. Now we only see results with a source IP address from an unknown country.
  5. We will find and click on another keyword to further narrow our hunt. We chose event_type. The display again immediately changes to reflect our choice.

  6. In our example, there have been four exploits from source IP addresses from an unknown country.
  7. We found and clicked on srcip. We can now see the IP addresses from which the exploits originated.

When you leave this page, any filters remain selected. So you can continue your threat hunting on other parts of Stellar Cyber.

Interflow Search Using the Table

The Interflow records table is at the bottom of the screen.

The Interflow records table is a very powerful threat hunting tool. Following are the things you can do to help you hunt down threats:

  • Click More Info to see the event details.

  • When searching the Alerts index, you can also use the Original Records button to view the records that were used to generate the corresponding alert.

  • Click to cascade an entry in the Interflow table open and see the Interflow table for that event.

In the Interflow table you can perform standard table tasks. Most importantly, as illustrated below, each piece of Interflow data shown for an entry includes a consistent set of icons that let you perform one or more the following tasks, depending on the data displayed:

Hover your cursor over a cell to see icons that let you:

  • Toggle Column – Use this option to add the corresponding Interflow field as a column in the table. Adding data as a table column lets you sort on it, which can be useful when threat hunting.

  • Filter for – Filter the displayed results to include only entries with the matching type and value.

  • Filter out – Filter the displayed results to exclude entries with the matching type and value.

  • Copy – Copy the value to the clipboard for use elsewhere.

Click the check boxes to the left of each row to select records. Once you have selected records, the following additional tools become available:

  • Add to Case – Click this button to add the event to an existing Case or create a new Case based on the event. Refer to Working with Cases for more information on working with Cases.

    There are a maximum of 5,000 associated alerts per Case.

  • Add a Comment – Leave an explanatory comment to assist with further analysis.

  • Bulk edit controls let you change an event's status, associated tags, or assignee.

When you leave this page, any filters remain selected. So you can continue your threat hunting on other parts of Stellar Cyber.

Searching for Special Characters in the Source and Destination Reputation Columns

Stellar Cyber uses feeds from several threat intelligence providers (such as ET Pro, PhishTank, OpenPhish,, and others) as well as network traffic analysis to assign reputations. These reputations are visible in the Interflow as srcip_reputation and dstip_reputation, and in the event tables under the Source Reputation and Dest Reputation columns.

When Stellar Cyber populates these fields, it typically substitutes the ampersand ("&") character for the shorthand usage of "n" for "and" in the Interflow itself. For example, the reputation value of SpywareCnC from the Interflow is displayed in the user interface as Spyware C&C. There are other similar substitutions, as well (Peer-to-Peer for P2P).

Because of this substitution, you must be careful when copying and pasting data from the user interface to be used as search terms – make sure you search for the original value and not the version with the substituted version. The table below summarizes the substitutions:

Reputation Value in User Interface

Reputation Value in Interflow (Search for This)

Spyware C&C SpywareCnC
DGA C&C Domain DGA_CnC_domain
Peer-to-Peer C&C P2PCnC
Mobile C&C Mobile_CnC
Mobile Spyware C&C Mobile_Spyware_CnC

Correlation Search

You can use the Correlation Search page to hunt for correlations between events.

Screen capture of a correlation query configuration.

To visualize alert correlations:

  1. Select your tenants.

  2. Select your time range.

    Note that you must supply a FROM and TO to save a correlation query with an absolute time range.

  3. Define a query or choose a saved query. For this example we chose Reconn, which finds reconnaissance events.

  4. Define a second query or choose another saved query. For this example we chose Reconnaissance, which finds any security event.

  5. Drag a line between the queries to define a relationship. In this example we selected both Same Source IP and Query 2 happened after query 1.

  6. Continue adding queries by clicking the Add a query button until your correlation is complete.

  7. Click Run.

A screen similar to the following visualizes the correlation between the alerts from each query.

Screen capture showing correlation query results

If your correlation times out, you might be trying to retrieve too many records. Edit your queries and reduce the number in the Get xx records field.

You can save your visualization at any time.

Loading Saved Correlations with Absolute Time Ranges

When loading a saved correlation with a Time Range set to absolute, Stellar Cyber automatically changes the time setting to a relative time of the last five hours. This prevents you from accidentally using a correlation with a time range set far in the past.

Using Correlation Queries to Detect Short-term User Accounts

Stellar Cyber can detect user accounts that are spun up for short periods of time and then deleted. Attackers often use these "short-term accounts" to gain access to sensitive systems and data and carry out malicious activity on the network. They then quickly delete the accounts. Using short-term accounts minimizes chances of being identified, makes it harder for forensic analysis to locate the origin of their activity, and reduces the risk that user behavior analytics can establish a baseline and detect anomalous activity patterns. To detect the creation and deletion of these short-term accounts, you must first define a query that correlates these two events—the creation of a user account and its deletion—within specific time periods. After that, you can manually run the correlation query whenever you want to check if short-term user accounts were created.

Grouping Results in Correlation Queries

The grouping feature in correlation queries lets you organize data into logical groups based on shared values in a specific field. By reducing large volumes of raw data into meaningful groups that are easier to analyze and act upon, you can more easily uncover patterns, focus on anomalies, and perform targeted investigations. In short, grouping enables you to do the following:

  • Identify Patterns: Detect behaviors like repeated login failures from the same IP address or file downloads from a particular user.

  • Highlight Anomalies: Groups with unusually high or low event counts might indicate suspicious activity (e.g., brute force login attempts or data exfiltration).

  • Simplify Investigations: Reduces the dataset to high-value clusters, allowing you to focus on what matters.


Screen capture of the Grouping section in CorrelationQuery Builder

Calculation type: Specify how groups are ranked.

  • Top: Retain groups with the largest counts; for example, source IP addresses with the highest login failures.

  • Bottom: Retain groups with the smallest counts; for example, devices with the least activity.

Field to calculate on: Specify the field used to group Interflow records. Each unique value of this field represents a group. Here are a few example fields:

  • srcip: Group Interflow records by source IP address.

  • userPrincipalName: Group records by user ID.

  • MachineId: Group records by device ID.

Size: Define the maximum number of groups to keep after ranking them. If the total number of groups exceeds this value, only the top or bottom groups are kept based on the calculation type. For example, if you set Calculation Type as Top and Size as 10, Stellar Cyber retains the top 10 groups.

Threshold Condition: Filter groups based on the total number of Interflow records in each one so that only groups meeting the condition are retained. Choose one of the following options:

  • is greater than or equal to: Retain groups with at least the specified number of records.

  • is less than or equal to: Retain groups with at most the specified number of records.

For example, you might set a threshold condition that is greater than or equal to 10 to retain groups with 10 or more Interflow records so that only groups with a significant number of records are kept for analysis.


Threat Hunting Library

When you click on the Threat Hunting Library tab, an overview page appears showing the different alert types in individual tiles. Each tile represents one alert type, with the number in the box showing the total count of alerts of the corresponding type that were detected. Clicking on tile box selects that alert type and displays the data.

By default, the Threat Hunting Library only displays tiles for alert types that are populated with alerts. As illustrated below, you can use the Show all views option to toggle the display between showing all alert types and only those populated with alerts.

To choose a different alert type, click the Threat Hunting Library tab again.


The top half of the Threat Hunting Library page starts with a description of the alert type selected and several actions you can perform on this dashboard:

  • Edit

  • Clone

  • Export

See the Dashboard Actions page for details on each action. The number and composition of each graphic and its associated table is dependent on the alert type. The following image has an example.

Below the charts, one or more data tables may be displayed. Again, the type of tables and their associated columns change depending on what is relevant to the event type. Example:

  • For DNS Analysis, the tables are Changed Domain to IP Resolutions, and Top DNS Resolution Search Results.

  • For Google Workspace (G Suite), the tables are G Suite Alert Events and G Suite Events.

Be sure to scroll the entire Threat Hunting page, to ensure you are seeing all offered information.

Each row provides an overview of each event. Click the checkboxes to the left of each row to select records. You can also assign security-related events to Cases or create a new Case based on one or more alerts.

Only security-related events can be added to Cases. The Add to Case button is not available when a non-security event is selected.

To see details about an alert, click More Info at the far right of the record. The Details panel appears with multiple sections: Key Fields, Cases, Details, JSON, and Actions. The Key Fields section presents a selection of the more commonly referenced key-value pairs that constitute the Interflow record. The Cases section displays a table of cases with which the alert is associated. The Details panel displays all the key-value pairs in the Interflow record and provides quick filters and search fields to help you quickly find the information you're looking for. The JSON section presents the same information as in the Details section but in JSON format. In the Actions section, you can tag or comment on the event, trigger an email, or take firewall action.