Alert Types That Use the Scan Index

The Alert Types listed below use the Scan Index . For a list of Alert Types by each index or XDR Kill Chain stage, or for a general overview, refer to Machine Learning and Analytics Overview.

To minimize excessive alerting, each alert type is triggered only once in a configurable period (from 1 to 24 hours) for the set of attributes that triggered that specific alert. You can configure the alert suppression interval in the Detection Management System.

Where applicable, the Tactics and Techniques are linked to the relevant MITRE | ATT&CK page.

Stellar Cyber also provides an interactive tool that lets you look up alert types by data source, alert name, event type, or source index.

External Exploited Vulnerability

A host with a vulnerability discovered by a security scanning tool was exploited by an attack on that same vulnerability, indicating a high probability of success. Check the target to see if it was compromised.

XDR Kill Chain

  • Kill Chain Stage: Initial Attempts

  • Tactic: [External] XDR NBA (XTA0002)

  • Technique: XDR Exploited Vulnerability (XT2015)

  • Tags: [External; Network Traffic Analysis]

Event Name

The for this alert type in the Interflow data is external_vuln_exploit_correlation.



Key Fields and Relevant Data Points

  • tenantid — tenant ID
  • vulnerability_id — ID of the original security scan result
  • ids_event_id — ID of the original IDS exploit event
  • srcip (of security scan result) — IP address of the target correlation_info.srcip
  • dstip (of IDS event) — IP address of the target (correlation_info.dstip)
  • srcip (of IDS event) — IP address of the attacker (correlation_info.srcip)
  • correlation_info.vulnerability.cve — CVE associated with the reported vulnerability
  • correlation_info.ids.cve — CVE the attacker used to exploit the host

Use Case with Data Points

An attacker (srcip) with IP address A is performing an exploit against a target (dstip) with internal IP address B using a vulnerability (ids.cve) with CVE x. If any security scanning tool found the target (srcip) with IP address B to have a vulnerability (vulnerability.cve) with CVE x, an alert is triggered.

When an alert is triggered, a new correlation event is generated. The Interflow of the correlation event includes the ID of the IDS exploit event (ids_event_id), the ID of the security scan record (vulnerability_id), the IP address of the attacker (correlation_info.srcip of the IDS event), the IP address of the victim (correlation_info.dstip of the IDS event or correlation_info.srcip of the security scan record), and the CVE that was used in the exploit (correlation_info.vulnerability.cve and correlation_info.ids.cve).

Internal Exploited Vulnerability

A host with a vulnerability discovered by a security scanning tool was exploited by an attack on that same vulnerability, indicating a high probability of success. Check the target to see if it was compromised.

XDR Kill Chain

  • Kill Chain Stage: Exploration

  • Tactic: [Internal] XDR NBA (XTA0002)

  • Technique: XDR Exploited Vulnerability (XT2015)

  • Tags: [Internal; Network Traffic Analysis]

Event Name

The for this alert type in the Interflow data is internal_vuln_exploit_correlation.



Key Fields and Relevant Data Points

  • tenantid — tenant ID
  • vulnerability_id — ID of the original security scan result
  • ids_event_id — ID of the original IDS exploit event
  • srcip (of security scan result) — IP address of the target correlation_info.srcip
  • dstip (of IDS event) — IP address of the target (correlation_info.dstip)
  • srcip (of IDS event) — IP address of the attacker (correlation_info.srcip)
  • correlation_info.vulnerability.cve — CVE associated with the reported vulnerability
  • correlation_info.ids.cve — CVE the attacker used to exploit the host

Use Case with Data Points

An attacker (srcip) with IP address A is performing an exploit against a target (dstip) with IP address B using a vulnerability (ids.cve) with CVE x. If any security scanning tool found the target (srcip) with IP address B to have a vulnerability (vulnerability.cve) with CVE x, an alert is triggered.

When an alert is triggered, a new correlation event is generated. The Interflow of the correlation event includes the ID of the IDS exploit event (ids_event_id), the ID of the security scan record (vulnerability_id), the IP address of the attacker (correlation_info.srcip of the IDS event), the IP address of the victim (correlation_info.dstip of the IDS event or correlation_info.srcip of the security scan record), and the CVE that was used in the exploit (correlation_info.vulnerability.cve and correlation_info.ids.cve).