Cold Storage Archive Support

External storage solutions such as AWS S3 and Microsoft Azure Blob Storage typically offer multiple storage tiers with varying costs depending on how quickly data can be restored and how often it can be accessed.

If you are using one of these solutions for cold storage of Stellar Cyber data, you can use an script provided by Stellar Cyber together with your storage vendor's built-in lifecycle management tools to automatically move data from warmer tiers in AWS S3/Azure to lower-cost archival tiers. The same script can also be used to retrieve data from the archival tier to regular storage for easy import to Stellar Cyber.

The general steps for working with archive support for cold storage are very similar for both AWS S3 and Azure Blob Storage:

Moving Data to Archival Storage

  • Schedule the script provided by Stellar Cyber to apply tags to data in cold storage so that it can be identified as ready for archiving.

  • Configure lifecycle management in your storage vendor's interface so that tagged data is automatically archived to a lower-cost storage class over time.

    • AWS S3: S3 Standard → Glacier Deep Archive

    • Azure Blob Storage: Hot → Archive

Retrieving Data from Archival Storage

  • Use the script to identify and restore data from the archive storage class to regular storage so that it can be imported to Stellar Cyber when needed.

Obtaining the Script

The script is available on Stellar Cyber's open GitHub repository at the following link:

Detailed Procedures for AWS S3 and Azure Blob Storage

The specifics for configuring archive support for both AWS S3 and Microsoft Azure are in the following procedures: