Creating a Saved Script to Block a Destination IP Address

To create a saved script to block a destination IP address, we create a Python script to generate the email, and then call that script from Stellar Cyber.

Creating the Python Script

To create the Python script:

  1. Create a file named

  2. Make note of where you created it. Ours is in the home/aella/ directory.

  3. Enter your script. A sample script is:

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    # -*- author: Christian Rasmussen -*-
    # -*- github: -*-
    # -*- license: MIT License -*-# blockip: easy-to-use command to add or delete an IP address to the blocklist in iptablesimport sys
    import getopt
    import subprocess_name = "blockip"
    _version = "0.1"def main(argv):
          opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "ha:d:lv", ["help", "add=", "delete=", "list", "version"])
                         if len(opts) == 0:
             # Adding without -a or --add: iptables
             if len(args) > 0:
                opts = []
                for arg in args:
                   opts.append(("-a", arg))
             # Display help if no args exist
                opts = [("-h","")]
          exit_code = 0
          for opt, arg in opts:
             if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
             elif opt in ("-v", "--version"):
                print version()
             elif opt in ("-a", "--add"):
                exit_code =["iptables", "-A", "INPUT", "-s", arg, "-j", "DROP"])
             elif opt in ("-d", "--delete"):
                exit_code =["iptables", "-D", "INPUT", "-s", arg, "-j", "DROP"])
             elif opt in ("-l", "--list"):
                exit_code =["iptables", "-L", "-n"])
       except getopt.GetoptError, err:
          print "blockip error: " + str(err)
    def version():
       global _name, _version
       return _name + " " + _version
    def help():
       print version()
       print "Usage: blockip [ips|-h|-a ip|-d ip|-l]\n"
       print "-h, --help:                      Displays this message."
       print "ips:                             Adds IP-addresses to the block list. Example:\n\tblockip"
       print "-a ip, --add ip:         Adds an IP-address to the block list. Example:\n\tblockip -a"
       print "-d ip, --delete ip:              Removes an IP-address from the block list. Example:\n\tblockip -d"
       print "-l, --list:                      Lists the blocked IP-addresses."
       print "-v, --version:                   Displays the version of the utility."
    if __name__ == "__main__":
  4. Save the file.

Calling the Python Script from Stellar Cyber

To call the Python script from Stellar Cyber:

  1. Log in to Stellar Cyber.
  2. Click System | Configuration | Saved Scripts. The Script Template page appears.

  3. Click Create to add a new script. The Add Script Template screen appears.

  4. Enter the Name. Each script must have a unique name. This field does not support multibyte characters. You cannot edit the name after you submit. We entered Block Destination IP Address in Python.
  5. Choose a Tenant Name. We chose Root Tenant. You cannot edit the tenant after you submit.
  6. In the Script Body, call the script you created earlier. Our Script Body is:

    sudo python /home/aella/ -a {{_source.dstip}}

  7. Click Submit. The script is saved and added to the table.