Understanding Asset-Based Licensing

As described in Licensing Overview, the DP can be licensed based on a count of the number of daily active assets. This topic provides details on asset-based licensing, including how assets are discovered, managed, and counted for licensing purposes. Refer to the following topics for details:

See also:

Classic Asset Counting vs. Entity-Based Asset Counting

The 5.3.0 Stellar Cyber platform supports two asset counting models for licensing purposes:

  • Classic asset counting is based on a combination of MAC and IP addresses learned from a wide variety of sources, together with imported asset lists. If your platform was upgraded to 5.3.0 from a previous release, in most cases, it will be using classic asset counting. The exception is if you worked with Stellar Cyber Customer Success in the 5.2.0 release to try out the new entity-based asset counting model, in which case that model is still in use after the upgrade to 5.3.0.

  • Entity-based asset counting is a simplified model that relies on a combination of unique discovered IP addresses and email addresses.

    • If your Stellar Cyber platform is new in 5.3.0, it automatically uses the entity-based asset counting model.

    • For most deployments, the entity-based asset counting model results in more accurate asset counts. You can convert to the entity-based asset counting model using the instructions below.

      Testing has shown that there is typically no more than a 5-10% difference in the assets counted by the two models, depending on your deployment.

Determining which Asset Counting Model Your Deployment Is Using

You can determine which asset counting model your deployment uses by clicking one of the View Assets buttons in the System | Licensing | Asset Usage tab's Daily Asset Count By Tenant table. This button works differently depending on whether you are using the classic asset counting implementation or the entity-based approach available in 5.3.0 and later:

  • Classic Asset Counting – If you are using the classic asset counting implementation, clicking View Assets opens a new browser ab with an Investigate | Threat Hunting | Interflow Search filtered on the Assets index for the selected tenant and time range, as illustrated below:

  • Entity-Based Asset Counting – If you are using the new entity-based asset counting implementation, clicking View Assets pops up an Asset Details view showing the entities detected for asset counting purposes for the specified tenant and time range, , as illustrated below:

Switching to Entity-Based Asset Counting

If you are on the classic asset counting model and would like to switch to the entity-based implementation, contact the Stellar Cyber Customer Success team for assistance.

After switching from the classic model to the entity-based model, make sure to refresh the table content in the System | Licensing | Asset Usage tab's Daily Asset Count By Tenant table so that it reflects the field names and data for the entity-based model.

Entity-Based Asset Counting

The sections below describe the new Entity-Based Licensing implementation used for fresh deployments of Stellar Cyber 5.3.0. This implementation is also available for customers who arrived at Version 5.3.0 by upgrade.

Entity-Based asset counting introduces several key improvements over the classic asset counting model by simplifying the process and leveraging only high-confidence sources for attributing entities against the subscribed license count.

This simplified model produces more consistent results and also reduces the system overhead required to determine entity counts, allowing the entity-based license model to scale beyond what could previously be support with the classic asset counting model.

If you are still using classic asset counting, refer to this section for instructions.

Overview of Entity-Based Licensing

For licensing purposes, entities are defined as the combination of unique devices and users discovered across the environment on any given day. Entities counted for licensing purposes are also referred to as assets.

Keep in mind that this definition of an asset for licensing purposes is different from the security assets found under Asset Analytics.

Asset discovery is performed differently for licensing than it is for security workflows:

  • Asset Discovery for Licensing – Designed for simplicity, leveraging only high-confidence sources for attributing entities against the subscribed license count..

  • Asset Discovery for Security Workflows – Resolved through a more complex process to catch corner cases useful for analysts.

    Refer to MAC or IP-Identified Assets for details on how assets are discovered for security workflows.

Asset Discovery in the Entity-Based Model

The design goal for asset-based licensing in the entity-based model is to count assets with the simplest method possible. The design relies on simplicity because it is easy to understand, predict, trust, and scope. Although certain corner cases won’t be counted perfectly due to this simplicity, this is by design.

The total number of licensed assets per tenant per day is the total number of unique devices (measured by internal Source IP addresses) plus the total number of unique users (measured by email addresses). From a high level, these are counted as follows:

  • Devices – any private IP address observed in the sample window (either from a trusted data source or inferred from observed traffic; see below for details).

  • Users – any logical account with a valid email address as an identifier observed in the sample window, including accounts assigned to non-human actors such as service accounts.

Device Discovery in the Entity-Based Model

Devices can be identified either from trusted data sources or inferred from certain types of network data. The total device entity count is the sum of all unique IP addresses from both sets of data, as described below.

Trusted Endpoint Data Sources

Some data sources, such as EDR solutions, provide an inventory of their assets. In this model, the discovered hosts’ private IP addresses are reported as assets. Data from a managed list of sources that are known to produce less accurate results is excluded from consideration. For example:

IF (msgtype == "Asset Record" AND msg_origin.source IN trusted_data_source) 
AND NOT (msg_origin.category == "firewall" OR msg_origin.category == 


Inferred Devices (From Sensors, Firewalls, VPNs, and Traffic)

For data originating from sensors, firewalls, and other network devices, asset IP addresses are inferred from network flow data, subject to the following rules:

  • The IP address must belong to one of the following groups:

    • Private address spaces defined in RFC-1918

    • CGNAT address space defined in RFC-6598

    • Customer-defined IP ranges

  • The IP address must be observed to send traffic twice within a sample period.

User Discovery in the Entity-Based Model

Users are identified either from trusted user data sources or inferred from observed activities from specific productivity platforms. The total count is the sum of all unique email addresses from these sources.

For data originating from Microsoft 365 or Google Workspaces, user entities are extracted from activity logs in connected Microsoft 365 and Google Workspaces environments.

Microsoft 365

For user entities discovered using email addresses from Microsoft 365, either the UserId or MailboxOwnerUPN field must be a valid email address.

Google Workspaces

For user entities discovered using email addresses from Google Workspaces, the following must all be true:

  • The email field is a valid email address

  • The profileId field has a value

  • The owner and calendar_id fields are not populated (this omits certain accounts created by third party applications that have integrated with Google Directory or Google SSO).

User Discovery Pseudocode

Stellar Cyber uses filtering logic to ensure that identified users represent real user accounts (is_valid_user_account) and not an alias or something of no security value. The simplified logic for user discovery is as follows:

IF (msg_origin.category == "identity" OR msg_origin.category == 
"office_suite" OR msg_origin.category == “directory”):
    IF (record.is_valid_user_account()):


Each data source has a different implementation of is_valid_user_account(). Stellar Cyber studies each data source and employs conservative discovery methods. For example, the implementation for Google Workspace is as follows:

// Exclude non user records like 3rd party calendar apps
IF (gsuite.actor.profileId.exists()
    AND gsuite.email.is_valid_email()
    AND NOT event_detail.owner.exists()
    AND NOT event_details.calendar_id.exists()):


About Asset Count Timing

The Asset Discovery process happens in real time as new data comes into the system. Each day at 11:59 PM UTC, Stellar Cyber counts the total of all the unique assets (devices and users) per tenant for that given day. Importantly, if an IP address is discovered across multiple sources on a given day, it is only counted once for that day. The results are reported in the System | Licensing | Asset Usage page.

Asset Counting Example

The following example shows how this works for a sample customer with two tenants:

  • Tenant A has a Crowdstrike connector and a Modular Sensor deployed

  • Tenant B has an Office 365 connector and three Windows Server Sensors deployed

Tenant A Asset Data

Tenant A has the following asset data from it sources on Day 1:

  • CrowdStrike Connector

    • Assets –,

  • Modular Sensor

    • Discovered one traffic event sourced from and ten traffic events sourced from

Tenant B Asset Data

Tenant B has the following asset data from its sources on Day 1:

  • Office 365 Connector

    • Valid Users - bob@tenantb.com, alice@tenantb.com

  • Windows Server Sensors

    • Deployed on three devices –,,

Total Day 1 Discovered Assets

The total number of discovered assets across all tenants on Day 1 is 8, as summarized in the table below:






Day 1 Tenant A Device CrowdStrike, Modular Sensor
Day 1 Tenant A Device CrowdStrike

Day 1

Tenant A


Modular Sensor

Day 1 Tenant B bob@tenantb.com User Office 365
Day 1 Tenant B alice@tenantb.com User Office 365
Day 1 Tenant B Device Windows Sensor
Day 1 Tenant B Device Windows Sensor
Day 1 Tenant B Device Windows Sensor

Tenant A & Tenant B




Frequently Asked Questions on Entity-Based Asset Counting

The following section provides answers to frequently asked questions on Entity-Based Asset Counting.

You can also click here to open a downloadable PDF summarizing entity-based licensing and these frequently asked questions.

How are devices with multiple IP addresses handled?

If you have a device with multiple IP addresses, each unique IP address is considered to be a unique entity for asset counting purposes. Each unique IP address often has a unique set of applications listening on the address, even when it is assigned to a host with other IP addresses. Each unique IP address has a unique fingerprint and security profile and is treated as a unique entity. The logical association at the host level is only used contextually.

Many devices on my network use DHCP. Is each device counted multiple times for each IP lease it receives?

Yes, each observed IP that meets the criteria listed above is counted as a unique entity. Stellar Cyber recommends the following approaches to limit this:

  • Eliminate double-counting by using IP reservations with DHCP where possible.

  • Set DHCP lease periods to at least 24 hours to limit this to only counting devices twice

My network consists of many mobile devices. When a device switches wireless access points, it may receive a new IP address. Are these counted as unique entities?

Yes, each observed IP address that meets the criteria listed above is counted as a unique entity. Stellar Cyber recommends configuring 802.1x session persistence to reduce the number of duplicate entities. This can also be configured to eliminate double-counting when a device changes connectivity mediums (for example, a devices switches from a wired to a wireless connection).

I have multiple sites with overlapping IP spaces. Are each site’s IPs counted independently?

No. If two separate sites with overlapping IP spaces are sent to the same Data Processor (DP), two devices with the same IP address are counted as a single entity. Because this can cause confusion in correlation models, Stellar Cyber recommends using globally unique IP spaces where possible. In cases where this is unavoidable, we recommend deploying a separate Data Processor on each site to ensure the address spaces do not collide in correlation models.

I use auto-scaling groups. Is each ephemeral instance’s IP counted uniquely?

Yes. Each unique observed IP is counted as a unique entity. Stellar Cyber recommends configuring the auto-scaling group to use sequential IP addressing in specific ranges to ensure double-counting does not occur. If you are using DHCP, choose a scheme that reissues the lowest available address in the pool.

I use eBPF to monitor network traffic from Kubernetes. Are the IP addresses of my containers counted as entities?

Yes. Each container’s IP address (including shared addresses on virtual interfaces) is considered a unique entity. Stellar Cyber recommends using predictable addressing in Kubernetes to avoid double-counting.

I have multiple domains registered in Microsoft 365 and users have email aliases in each domain. Are these counted multiple times?

Yes, if activities are observed for the same user but with duplicate email addresses, the number of unique email addresses is used to determine the entity count. Stellar Cyber recommends encouraging your users to use only the primary domain for authentication – all subsequent actions will be associated with a single identifier.

Are service accounts counted as entities?

If the service account has a valid email address, it is counted as a user entity. In most cases, monitoring these non-human user accounts is important (for example the AWS root account). The presence of a valid email address is the simplest determining factor and this is used by the asset counting model.

Classic Asset Licensing

This section describes the classic Asset Licensing implementation used in previous versions of Stellar Cyber. This implementation is still in use for customers who arrived at Version 5.3.0 by upgrade and have not explicitly converted to entity-based asset counting.

Asset Counting and License Violations

Every day, Stellar Cyber takes a snapshot of the assets that were active during the previous day and reports the results in the System | Licensing | Asset Usage page.

Keep in mind that the total number of assets reported in the System | Licensing | Asset Usage page is typically less than the sum of the assets shown in the MAC Identified Assets and IP Identified Assets pages. This is because the Asset Usage page reports only those assets that were active the previous day, while the MAC Identified Assets and IP Identified Assets pages report both active assets and ones that were seen previously but were not active during the previous day. Only those assets that were active the previous day count against your licensed total.

Asset license violations are reported as follows:

  • Stellar Cyber reports a violation of the asset license if the count of active assets during a given day exceeds the license limit by 10% or more.

  • Stellar Cyber reports a more serious violation if the count of active assets exceeds the license limit by 10% or more for five days in a row.

  • Stellar Cyber reports a monthly violation if the count of active assets exceeds the license limit by 10% or more for 10 or more days in a given month (not necessarily consecutive days).